Friday, May 30, 2008

"Is Hillary Clinton Winning?"

It seems like Peaches asks this question everyday as I prepare dinner and the girls do their colouring and Wolf Blitzer updates us on everything we need to know with "the best political team on television" ,of course. The answer would vary with the results of the day but now there seems to be only one possibility. The math is done , the people have spoken. Its been an exciting ride, a bit like a movie. Clear front runner gets unseated by a newbie.But it has also been a wonderful experience to see a woman in this race.Like all moms I try to find good role models for my girls. The pink-princess vision has an allure thats hard to avoid but along with that we have talked about becoming an astronaut, doctor, "arter" (artist per Peaches) and now I could present a credible and very real person for another possibility, President. So that is another option that has been added on the list for the time when, having eaten a lot of spinach and thus grown quickly to 20 years old Peaches will be ready to conquer the world in whatever color nail polish she chooses without Mom interfering.
Hillary fought a good fight, showed that women do have what it takes and did not let any of the negativity depress her. We applaud her for that. You showed you could play with the big boys and beat them too. But now the time has come to bring your unique touch to the process and show them how to accept the results with grace and charm adn live to fight another day. Like a true Princess would.


Dish said...

Politics and numbers aside, it would have been simply wonderful for the girls had Hillary won. A remarkable story in their childhood memories of 'Girls Done It' (in USA)! Perhaps soon enough... Great post.

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